Letter: Vet saved poisoned pet

All pet owners in Westview village should take note that someone out there is dropping rat poison over people’s fences.

To the editor:

I live in Westview Village Mobile Home Park. My story started in early December when I let my dogs out in the yard at 8 a.m. to do their business. By 10 a.m. one of my dogs was vomiting, this progressed and then she lost her balance. When I checked her vomit, I noticed that there was several bright red clots.

I took her to the local vet office, Rose Valley Veterinary Clinic. Dr. Oz diagnosed her as having ingesting rat poison.  Her treatment over the next two days included x-rays, IV fluids, antibiotics and antidote.

I am writing for two reasons.

1. All pet owners in Westview village should take note that someone out there is dropping rat poison over people’s fences (I have a six-foot fence) and

2. I have dealt with a lot of vets over my past 60 years and this man (Dr. Oz) is one of the best that I have ever had the pleasure to meet. He took care of my dog, he started to work on her immediately and had her resting peacefully within a few minutes. He took care of me as I was mess—crying and stressed. He reassured me that he would do the best he could for her. He even stayed overnight with her in the clinic and he worked with me on the financial part of my bill as I have been unemployed since last April and on a very fixed income.  I could not have gotten better service.

And it is with pleasure that I can say my dog, Masa, is alive and well today.

Shyan Desrosiers,

West Kelowna


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