Letter: Voters have given Trump golden ticket to ruin U.S.

Times letter writer Sheri Hall feels that misogyny won the U.S. presidential election.

President-Elect Donald Trump.

President-Elect Donald Trump.

Editor: Yes, the people have spoken.

They have chosen an inexperienced, racist, misogynistic silver spoon-fed megalomaniac.

(They have given him) a golden ticket to ruin their country.

I wanted my kids to see the first female president be elected, as they witnessed the first black president, Barack Obama, be elected in 2008 then again in 2012.

I hoped my daughter would know she can achieve more than just her looks, that she is more than a token to be grabbed.

Hillary Clinton deserved this, not because she is a woman, but because she has spent 30 years in public service, helping children and women and lower income citizens.

Yes, she had a private email server.

Did you know it was only required to not be private right before she became Secretary of

State and that Colin Powell, the previous Secretary of State, also had a private server?

President Bush had a private server but, please, let’s find the one major wrong and make it huge event in comparison to Trump’s major malfunctions.

It seems petty when you digest the facts.

I understand America is frustrated with having to deal with a black president who has created jobs and health care because, well, he is black.

But the previous white president put them in billions of debt and sent them to war and decided not to support veterans when they returned.

Don’t worry, everyone magically loves him now.

I am surprised that it went so backward, though.

I am so disappointed that suddenly the media is trying so desperately to excuse why Trump was elected, as if their assumption of Hillary winning did not provoke the lazy white male to make it (Trump’s victory) so.

The fact that these people are more threatened by a woman than a black man says something about the power of women.

Unfortunately, misogyny won, and my family will not enter the USA for a long while. Like four years, minimum.

Signed: a woman, a mother, an environmentalist, a compassionate, caring and proud Canadian, who supports refugees and Muslims, Hispanics and

Filipinos — all races — and the LGBT community, because difference is what unites us, as we are the human race.

Sheri Hall,


Langley Times