Langley letter writer hopes after seeing how Willoughby developed, the Township protects Walnut Grove green spaces. (Langley Advance Times file)

LETTER: Walnut Grove resident cherishes Langley’s green spaces

Willoughby was allowed to develop without enough consideration for nature, writer says

Dear Editor,

[Re: In response to Question of the Week – does Langley have enough public parks and trails?, Langley Advance Times, April 29]

As a long time resident of Langley, I have witnessed the major change in the Willoughby area. What used to be an area abundant with trees, now looks like a jungle of condos and townhomes. There may be a few greenbelt walking paths in the area, but there is not the same opportunity to feel connected to nature like in the Walnut Grove area. Too many trees were cut down for all the building.

Walnut Grove has some great forested areas that I enjoy walking through and in which my children enjoy exploring and playing. I hope the Township of Langley continues to protect these areas and not cut down an unnecessary trees. These spaces provide my family with an opportunity to connect with nature close to home.

Chris Koppensteiner, Walnut Grove


• LETTER: Langley Township green goals at odds with tree felling

• READ MORE: Residents sound off on felling of 125-year-old Douglas fir

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