LETTER: Warawa wrong on immigration and refugee issues

LETTER: Warawa wrong on immigration and refugee issues

A letter writer says the Langley-Aldergrove MP has some of his facts wrong.

Dear Editor,

The CBC has demonstrated how Russian internet trolls are targeting Canada with divisive issues. One of their major topics is immigration and asylum seekers. They are trying to get people upset about the current asylum seekers coming into the country from the USA.

A few days ago, the local MP for Langley-Aldergrove, Mark Warawa, sent out a leaflet dealing with this divisive issue. It contained at least two factual errors that play along with the Russian internet trolls. The leaflet claims that the asylum seekers entering into Canada through unofficial entry points are “illegal border crossers.” This is not true. They may be irregular border crossers but they are not breaking any law. The August 2, 2018 issue of the Globe and Mail has an extensive examination titled “A look at the issues and facts surrounding asylum seekers in Canada.” It describes why the irregular border crossers are not committing an illegal act.

In the leaflet, Mr. Scheer also states that “families who follow the rules to come to Canada should come before those who attempt to cross the border illegally.” This is also incorrect. Canada has two separate processes for admitting newcomers. Immigrants and refugees resettled from abroad are processed by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada organization while asylum seekers are processed by the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. These are two separate organizations and a backlog in one does not impact the other. Therefore the asylum seekers are not “queue jumpers.”

A recent letter to the editor extolled the virtues of the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Scheer. A more balanced description of the virtues and failings of Mr. Scheer and Mr. Warawa would have been welcome.

Raymond Wiens,


Langley Advance