LETTER: Watch Flynn’s lecture on smart meters

I would like to comment on the information given to city council by Shaw Cable.

Re: “Nelson city council balks at Wi-Fi in parks”

I would like to comment on the information given to city council by Shaw Cable. It states that “Shaw’s outdoor access points emit a similar radio frequency to a cordless phone or a baby monitor.”

I would like to refer your readers, including city council members, to a Youtube lecture by Jerry Flynn. Mr. Flynn worked in the Canadian military for 26 years and specialized in wireless radio systems. In addition to discussing the issue with smart meters, he also refers to cordless phones and baby monitors indicating that this level of microwave radiation is the most dangerous to humans.

I urge all parents to listen to at least some of this talk by Jerry Flynn. You can easily access this information by Googling “Jerry Flynn National Day of Action against Smart Meters.” This is a much bigger issue than just smart meters as Mr. Flynn indicates. I certainly had no idea about the effects of radiation from “normal” household items like cordless phones or baby monitors. Listen to the facts and then make an informed decision for yourselves (and your children).

Tom Van Alstine, Nelson

Nelson Star