LETTER: Water must be protected

Two articles from the Aug. 4 issue caught my attention for comment.

Dear Editor:

Two articles from the Aug. 4 issue caught my attention for comment, the first by Rob Murphy asking “Where are the ideas for Summerland?” (and its economic growth plan); the second by Coun. Richard Barkwill, examining the Hunters Hill proposal.

Mr. Barkwill states that council’s unanimous decision in favour of installing the sewer line “is the best solution for Summerland as it allows for an important housing development to proceed, while minimizing its impact on the environment and preserving our agricultural land.”

What about other impacts on our community?

Where is the plan for other developments such as the Deer Ridge housing designated in the Community Growth Plan, and developments in Trout Creek and Cartwright mountain?

Perhaps this is the perfect opportunity for our council and economic growth committee to bring initiatives to developers, designers and builders to practice state of the art water conservation in constructing new homes and renovating older properties in Summerland.

Sewage treatment comes at a cost, for infrastructure to collect, treat, centrifuge, transport, store, and compost the resulting bio solids.

More sewage uses more water and more infrastructure at our municipal landfill.

All taxpayers share these costs.

Imagine a headline in a future Summerland Review, “Summerland builds for a greener future” — incentives for home construction use to grey water to flush waste, rain water collection in all new construction, water conservation fixtures in all new homes and renovations.

I agree with Rob Murphy. A commitment as forceful as the preserve agricultural land vision in our community is needed to encourage economic growth.

Water must be protected and managed. We need a plan and action.

Kathy Smith



Summerland Review