LETTER: Waterslide exhausted

Sylvan Lake waterslide closing down should be a lesson for City of Penticton council.

The Sylvan Lake Waterslide Park is closing, according to the Calgary Sun.

In the article, the town’s economic development officer, Vicki Kurz, stated the town is negotiating with Wild Rapids owner Bear Development Corp. for the two hectares of land now occupied by the waterslide. Kurz claims the town recognizes the land is highly valued for future public recreation because “we’re currently overcrowded on the beach side, we need more lakefront space.” She also said the public would be consulted on that land’s future use.

Charlie Everest, the waterslide park general manager, stated over $1 million was needed to keep it up to health and safety standards and that wasn’t fiscally feasible. He claims mounting costs have made entry fees steadily climb, so it is not as affordable for the general public.

How strange senior staff at Penticton City Hall could not click a few keys on the computer and contact other cities that have waterslides and lake front properties.

When the 29-year lease is up with Trio, Penticton taxpayers will inherit another expensive mess, as no clean up bond was requested by our city.

When did public servants stop serving the public?

It would seem our elected officials are serving the needs of developers and not the needs of the people who pay to build it, then pay to use it. We then pay to clean up the ridiculous, avoidable and foolish mistakes made by the people we pay to look after our interests — politicians and senior staff.

Lynn Crassweller




Penticton Western News