Letter: Way to go, Tolko Industries

Letter: Way to go, Tolko Industries

I would like to give some well-deserved kudos to Tolko Industries at their Lumby Log Sorting Yard.

I would like to give some well-deserved kudos to Tolko Industries at their Lumby Log Sorting Yard.

Instead of taking the waste logs to the landfill they have opened the yard to the public and provided loaders to fill the vehicles and trailers being brought in by those who will be converting the waste to firewood.

That is a huge boon to locals as the bush has been closed and it saves them a lot of fuel as well as labour.

It’s probably cheaper for Tolko to haul it to the landfill but they are paying people to keep this moving and clear out the waste wood before they start bringing in more logs for grading etc.

Good on you Tolko for being good corporate citizens.

Gerald Deis, Lumby

Vernon Morning Star