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LETTER: We all make choices regarding acceptable risk

We're thrilled that we can now go to a restaurant and be assured that all other patrons around us are vaccinated.

We’re thrilled that we can now go to a restaurant and be assured that all other patrons around us are vaccinated.

However, there is no mandate that staff need to be vaccinated. You are at a table, mask off, when a server takes and delivers your order. If that person is not vaccinated, you are exposed.

I would much rather patronize a restaurant or any other business that has a sign on their door stating that their employees are all immunized to protect their customers from potential exposures.

I sympathize with restaurant owners and operators. We all make our choices of what are acceptable risks. Just recognize what those risks are so you can make the best decisions for yourself.

Susie Coen

Qualicum Beach

READ MORE: Your letters here

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