LETTER: We already are a tourist mecca

Our parks and beaches are for relaxation, not commercialization.

An open letter to mayor and council in Penticton: despite more than a year of continued opposition to your plans for our city parks (specifically Skaha Park) you continue to ignore the concerns of the people who elected you and whose tax dollars pay your salaries.

Our parks and beaches are for relaxation, not commercialization.

This city is blessed beyond compare with sun, sand, a pleasant climate and two, yes two, beautiful lakes at both entrances to town. These natural attributes have been the mainstay of this city’s attraction to tourists and have brought in thousands upon thousands of tourist dollars.

There is no need to turn this city into the entertainment capital of the South Okanagan. Pull you heads out of the sand, give them a good shake, listen and look around you. We are a year-round attraction from golf as early as March through beaches in June, July and August, wineries and vineyards in September and October and Apex skiing from November through February.

Build on those attractions, keep the city looking clean and cared for and you will please residents and tourists alike.

For people looking for after hours entertainment we have the South Okanagan Events Centre ,the casino, a brand new movie theatre, night clubs and a bingo palace. Spend our tax dollars on needed upkeep instead of “cosmetic” niceties.

You were elected for the good of the city and its citizens. Kindly stick to the basics and we’ll all be better served and continue to be the tourist mecca that other cities are jealous of.

Hank & Joan Eschbach




Penticton Western News