LETTER: We are lucky to have the Stone Circles Man among us

LETTER: We are lucky to have the Stone Circles Man among us

Reader says Malcolm's stone circles are a labour of love.

RE: “On the trail of Nelson’s stone circles

Yes, Malcolm, the Stone Circles Man is still around—lucky for us in Nelson. Here is a man, tempered by an outdoor, active and spiritual life, living close to the earth, focussed on bringing benefits to us, the people. One way he offers this is through the making of stone circles, which is a real labour of love. Anyone who has seen one of his stone circles, or better yet, sat in one, can feel the energy of his creations. Beyond the stone circles, this is a man who is articulate, bright, compassionate, humorous and always has the time for a conversation for any who choose to stop and chat. Those who do will come away feeling the better for it—lighter in mind and spirit.

Thank you Malcolm, I am grateful for what you do and who you are.

Rose Andrews


Nelson Star