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LETTER: We are over-regulated in Canada

We have three levels of government—federal, provincial and municipal

To the Editor,

We have three levels of government—federal, provincial and municipal. All are overstaffed, overpaid and over-regulating us, the taxpayers.

Take a look at our municipal government: we build apartments for what? Rents are too high.

The city had chances for a person I know who wanted to start a business that would have employed more than 100 people and all we needed was three or four acres of land. The city has land, and could have given it to them—donated or at a very good price.

Nothing happened.

Why do we support dispensaries for drug addicts, but complain about speeding cars and others with noisy muffler systems and there is no support from bylaw or police. Why not?

Peter Rueschmann,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News