LETTER: We must stand strong to keep our planet clean

LETTER: We must stand strong to keep our planet clean

A reader speaks out against the pipeline, pleading with fellow Canadians to be strong in opposition.

Dear Editor,

Sadly, Yes, Virginia, there will be a pipeline…

With a sadness that can’t be easily explained, I cringe at the fact that, despite the posturing as a “friend of aboriginal interest,” Justin Trudeau and the forces that are with him are about to deal a hard blow to the future of the B.C. coastline, the sboriginal interest, and the future of our children, their children and on.

Canada has a reputation as a slacker in this world for good reason.

We have steadily allowed a brain drain, mismanaged resources, and sat back believing we were entitled to good times and lots of money because we were, after all, Canadian.

And there was a time when that was plenty okay. But times change.

We have not placed emphasis on wooing the right kind of dollars and management to this country as northern Europeans have done.

Over time we have stepped away from challenges that would, within a decade or two, have set us up as leaders – or at least shameless joiners in the fight to keep our planet clean enough to leave to our children.

When the spills happen, will we be honest enough about how few people there were who cared enough to try to stop the rape?

Or,nwill we just sit back wondering why the government allowed it to happen or put dollars in the pockets of the plunderers to keep them interested in fouling our coast with their ugly bitumen?

Either way, the loss will be monumental, and we will be less rich for the few jobs it will have brought to this side of the country.

Eli Bryan Nelson, Langley City

Langley Advance