A Duncan man was caught driving 100 km/h over the speed limit on May 19, 2020. (File photo)

LETTER: We need help controlling speeders in Chilliwack

'We would lower the accident rate and also put money into the coffers of government'

I smiled when I read your online alert about the person going 60 kilometres per hour (km/h) (“RCMP catch Chilliwack driver doing 60 km/h over posted speed limit,” Jan. 27, 2021) over the speed limit and getting caught.

If only we had enough money to hire more police to curb these speeders, we would lower the accident rate and also put money into the coffers of government.

READ MORE: RCMP catch Chilliwack driver doing 60 km/h over posted speed limit

Two days ago, I was travelling on Chilliwack River Road doing about 55 km/h in a 50 km/h zone when this young woman tailgated me for a couple of minutes and then sped past me crossing the solid yellow line.

By gosh, she was probably going 70-plus km/h and she had an “N” on the back of her car. She was obviously well trained.

Then I saw a senior, my age, who was in front of me at Luckakuck and Topaz Street, stopped at the red light. But seeing no oncoming traffic, that person chose to drive extremely fast straight through the red light.

I saw him as I arrived at the mall, and when I got out of the car, I gave him a thumbs down signal, at which point he opened his window and started yelling at me.

Also, I live in a complex with narrow roads, so our speed limit is 25 km/h and most people drive at least twice that amount all the time.

We certainly need help in Chilliwack controlling these speeders.

Tom Duncan


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