Two mountain caribou in a clear-cut logged area on Frisby Ridge in June 1977. (Submitted/George Benwell)

LETTER: We need practical not emotional solutions

Revelstokian reacts to Argonaut Creek logging ban

Dear editor,

Reference is made to the article on page four of the Dec. 17 issue of the Revelstoke Review relative to the curtailment of logging operations in the Argonaut drainage, tributary to Bigmouth Creek near Mica Creek. The contention therein advanced by environmental groups maintain this area should be reserved from any development to protect resident mountain caribou.

READ MORE: Province halts logging north of Revelstoke over caribou concerns

In reaction to this approach I offer the picture of two mountain caribou taken in June 1977 in a clear-cut logged area on Frisby Ridge. They are there to access their food source, bearded lichen from the broken branches and tops of felled trees. This lichen on branches of 50 metre tall trees is hardly available as a food source.

Additionally, old growth forests in their process of slow decay emit carbon dioxide while newly planted trees absorb the some which aids in reducing our carbon footprint. The areas planned for logging in Argonaut Creek will not totally eliminate the old growth forest; areas will be maintained in stream-side and inter-block reserves to accommodate caribou and other wildlife.

Additionally one must consider that logging operations provide employment, support our local economy and stumpage charges related thereto contribute to provincial revenue for various benefits to our society.

Use of our forest resource must recognize a wide range of interests, however practical and reasonable solutions must be exercised rather than emotional and unrealistic approaches.

-G.L. Benwell, forest ranger in Revelstoke from 1972-1980


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