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LETTER: We should train more Canadians to become doctors

There are many talented young Canadians who want to become doctors


I read that we’re facing another doctor shortage.

I’ve lived in Williams Lake for 40 years and in that time there have been at least three times when we were seriously short of doctors. Each time we’ve solved the problem by stealing from other countries.

I think it’s called “looting.”

We should be aware that there are many talented young Canadians who want to become doctors. But, we reject 90 per cent of them because we under fund training programs.

And our eager young Canadians are forced to go overseas for training, or abandon their dreams and our needs.

It would be nice to see our town council send a letter to appropriate governments urging them to dramatically increase funding for training facilities to assure that we have enough Canadian-trained doctors to meet our future needs.

Not to mention the nursing, paramedic, care worker, etc., shortages.

Stuart Westie

Williams Lake

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