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LETTER: Welcome back, Moonfist

We are all familiar with the hard work that one Sooke resident does.

We are all familiar with the hard work that one Sooke resident does.

Through thick and thin, hot, cold or wet, we see him with broom or shovel in hand. He effortlessly does his job with grace for his community, removing trash and grime helping to make Sooke a better community, in an act of true love for one and all. You may not know his name, if asked he replies. He smiles and continues his marathon of hope.

If you have not heard, he underwent serious medical surgery last year and we did not see him for a long time.

The other day I saw him hard at work, I stopped and we talked like we have done before. He said he was well and how he had missed interacting with his fellow Sookies. It is a joy to see this selfless man again, his actions can give us a view of how one small act by an individual, brings us a better town and reminds us of our past legacy of helping our fellow men and women. We were recognized as the most caring town, and people like Moonfist reflect this image. Welcome back old friend and thank you for setting such a good example.

James Carter


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