Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: We’re looking in the wrong place to halt drug culture

Letters to the Alberni Valley News editor

To the Editor,

I wish that activists/media had not applied the word “crisis” to the opioid drug problem. It is a hype word attached to every activist campaign. The public will become desensitized to repetitive speak and youth overwhelmed to the hopelessness of efforts.

We want to stop the fatalities and wasted lives from overdose of drugs. Most saving efforts only delay the return to drug taking. We throw money at rehabilitation and education. Results are frustrating.

During the 1960s we children became enamoured with psychedelic drugs, pushing for higher experiences. However, getting a job, learning the work ethic and living life’s problems were our concerns. Some people had medical or psychiatric pain controlled with addictive drugs. Opioid drug combinations added new heights of experiences or pain numbing. Pushers of drugs flourished. Why are drug “cookers” not legally branded as murderers?

How terrible for the world that there are things that cause people to lose hope. Such things will always happen, but how terrible for the ones who cause them. The cost is small for the ones who cause the grief, crime, disorder, collateral damage and drug wasted lives. These “things” cost the victims of drugs and us to pay everything. When the money runs out, there will be a problem.

Eliminating drug culture hopelessness may give hope. Our own money supports the drug getting, housing and laundering. It is complicated to stop.

Bruce E Hornidge,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News