Letter: We’ve often wondered why retirees pay school taxes

To the editor; My husband has said to me for many, many years, "Why are we paying school taxes? We never had children."

I wanted to say my husband and I really liked the message that B. J. Brown wrote in The Reporter (“Retirees like us survive through cautious spending,” March 26).

My husband has said to me for many, many years, “Why are we paying school taxes? We never had children. I wonder if we can get that money back?”

We, too, will be retirees one day and will have to watch our spending. Food is going to be the hardest as it will keep going up but our old age and Canada Pensions won’t be going up a lot.

Thank you, B. J. Brown, for addressing this important info.

We have always wondered how many others have thought of this same thing. Why are we paying for school taxes? With kids or not.

S. Harder


Cloverdale Reporter