
LETTER: What happened to Port Alberni’s pool funding?

I requested the status of the $30,000 request. I received no answer….

To the Editor,

In early March, Mayor Sharie Minions posted on Facebook that she was “super excited” to announce a significant step forward in regards to the potential building of a new Aquatic Centre.

The AV and Bamfield committee of the ACRD had approved $100k to conduct a feasibility study and public engagement for a new Aquatic Centre, but it still needed full board approval.

At the board meeting on March 12, the board agreed to fund $70,000 apportioned by land and improvements between the proposed participants. Since the city is part of the ACRD, they will be paying the largest share. The board also requested an additional $30,000 contribution from the city to fund the study.

At the April 26 city council meeting, I requested the status of the $30,000 request. I received no answer. I wonder what the holdup could be? I guess council is not that excited about a new pool after all.

Back in February 2017, after the city spent $50,000 on the Johnston Road Charrette, Minions—then a member of council—had this to say:

“I want to see results from the plan,” she said. “I don’t want it to be something that sits on a shelf for a few years.”

Well, it’s only been four years. In fact, the plan even had a Northport loop trail to connect to the Kitsuksis Dyke.

Councils continue to jump from one pie-in-the-sky idea to another, spending money on studies and consultants and along the way they neglect the important things that the community wants and needs like a new Aquatic Centre.

I guess it’ll be a few years before we get the next “super excited” post about the $30,000 needed to get the pool study going again.

Randy Fraser,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News