LETTER: What is common sense?

It would seem that the only thing that shows common sense is the fact that the city keeps shooting itself in the foot.

To better understand this, we need to clarify what common sense really is.

It needs to be broken down into its components. First, common. Common means pertaining or belonging equally to an entire community, nation, or culture; public. Pretty straight forward, don’t you think? Now let’s look at sense. Sense means: to grasp the meaning of; understand. So far, so good.

Let’s take this a step further and see how it might apply from a local government perspective.

The City of Penticton pundits have allocated a portion of dedicated parkland to a commercial venture that has failed twice before. This was done unilaterally. This act must show common sense, doesn’t it? Not!

These same pundits have planned to put in more paid parking through meters on a beach to various parking areas around the city. We, the taxpayers, will pay for the implementation and the city will job out the overseer job to an independent contractor. This obviously makes economic common  sense, doesn’t it? Not!

On one hand the city encourages the tourist trade and encourages people to participate in various events yet punishes these same folks for taking part by charging for parking. Make perfect sense, doesn’t it? Not!

Local taxpayers will be subjected to paid parking irrespective of the taxes that they pay to support these areas. Makes perfect sense, or what? Not!

Though pundits are trying to pinch pennies and make dollars count (supposedly), they voted themselves a health benefit package. Does this show common sense? Not!

The fact that these same pundits entered into a binding arbitration agreement with local firefighters and wanted it rescinded after the decision came down shows common sense. Not!

It would seem that the only thing that shows common sense is the fact that the city keeps shooting itself in the foot and we, the taxpayer, bear the brunt of their actions.

Ron Barillaro




Penticton Western News