Letter: What is happening at Penticton City Hall is suspect

After reading your editorial and the letters from Mark Billesberger and Ron Barillaro, I had to sit down and write this letter.

After reading your editorial and the letters from Mark Billesberger and Ron Barillaro, I had to sit down and write this letter.

After negotiating for over three and a half years, a dozen deadlines and one final deadline, Oct. 4, and after spending thousands of dollars and hundreds and hundreds of hours on researching, planing and negotiating by staff and after talking the latest Trio proposal over behind closed doors neither the mayor, council nor Mr. Moroziuk could answer a simple question whether Trio had delivered financial security to the city by Oct. 4, 2016. Yes or no?

I used to be a mechanical contractor in Penticton for many years and signed many contracts with the city. It used to be a straight-forward and simple matter. The city would call for tender or for a proposal which would include blueprints, specifications, proof of financial securities (performance bond) and a closing date. The contract was normally signed within a week. I’m sure that any contractor in Penticton will back me up and will assure the Penticton taxpayer that is the proper way to complete a construction contract.

What is going on in city hall these days is suspect to very unethical dealings and Skaha Lake / Trio are not the only ones. How about the hockey dorm and the lighting deal for the arenas?

I can not understand that the Penticton Contractors Assoc. (SICA), the chamber of commerce and the service clubs that spent so much time and money to create our numerous fine parks all stand up together and demand that city hall is going back to doing business honestly and transparently.

Nobody can tell me if the Trio proposal was discussed behind closed doors and the mayor, council and Mr. Moroziuk could not tell us whether the city would accept it or not. Something is rotten in the town of Penticton. Shame on you.

Bernie Strohmann




Penticton Western News