LETTER: ‘What on earth is the world coming to?’

Is anyone else sick of seeing people begging for money at intersections?

Is anyone else sick of seeing people begging for money at intersections?

We are lucky to not see this yet in Sooke, but in other areas of Victoria it is common.

I personally am getting a little angry as I am a 30-year-old women, mother of three, and work really hard for my money.

I’ve been working since I was 12 and have never stopped.

I am frustrated hearing on the news everyday all this talk about the tent city. How is this allowed in the first place?

I have been hearing on the news about the billions of dollars our government is paying to build and house homeless people.

I suggest the government needs to educate and detox the homeless. The government needs to teach these people how to work.

How are we supposed to house them all and make their life so comfortable when our lives are so chaotic and stressful working full-time paying taxes and sweating? Does anyone else agree?

And one more thing: I am so embarrassed that Sooke now has three cannabis stores to buy marijuana.

What on earth is this world coming to?

Instead of the government putting billions of dollars into housing the homeless, why doesn’t it help young companies get afloat? Or help middle-class people who are struggling?

Come on, Canada, let’s get it together a bit. OK?

Tina Delgado

East Sooke




Sooke News Mirror