Letter: What rec centre in East Clayton?

I understand that a tired party like Surrey First would try to spin what they have done after all these years in power.

To the editor;

I received a flashy eight-page colour magazine-like brochure from mayoral candidate Linda Hepner and her Surrey First party in the mail like probably everyone else in Surrey, making all sorts of promises if they are re-elected, which they neglected to do during their nine years in office.

I understand that a tired party like Surrey First would try to spin what they have done after all these years in power.

What I did not expect was an outright fabrication. On Page 4 of their brochure, Surrey First claims “Redevelopment of the East Clayton Recreation Centre” as one of their promises. This would mean there is an existing Rec Centre to re-develop. But there is no Rec Centre in East Clayton/Clayton Heights, despite that this a fully built-out community and is badly needed.

As a consequence of no facilities for our youth, some of them have nothing to do but roam the streets and congregate at places such as Tim Hortons.

It is appalling that Surrey First is trying to take credit for re-developing something that does not even exist, and is trying to cover-up the fact that they should’ve built this Rec Centre years ago.

It is clear that this a party that will resort to saying anything to get re-elected.


Sandip Sandhu


Cloverdale Reporter