Letters to the editor can be e-mailed editor@wltribune.com.

Letters to the editor can be e-mailed editor@wltribune.com.

LETTER: What we need is hope, not fear

'Fear paralyzes. Hope moves forward'

I recently read a letter from a reader that spoke about people needing a “healthy fear” of COVID-19. He was dismayed to see more folks out and about, shopping, being outside, etc.

• READ MORE: LETTER: A healthy fear of this virus is needed but is now missing

While I do understand and agree with his opinion that we cannot let our guard down in regards to this pandemic, I do, think that what we need is hope, not fear.

I don’t envy those that are in the position of leading us right now. There don’t seem to be many clear, right answers, and I believe this is because they are struggling to figure this out just as much as we are.

Businesses opening, people shopping, families and friends being together and out in nature are vital to our society overcoming these difficult times. These things bring hope for a brighter future, which in turn makes folks stronger and more resistant to both the physical and mental dangers of Covid 19.

Those folks shopping are helping keep businesses open, which in turn employs people that need to work to support their families.

I find it’s mostly the seniors I talk to that are most fearful of COVID-19, and the most reluctant to see people seeking a more ‘normal’ lifestyle.

Understandably so, as they are likely the most vulnerable group.

But the mental and financial toll the shut-downs and strict limits imposed earlier this year caused was incredibly damaging in ways I believe we’ve yet to see.

People need to be able to work, go to school, buy the things they need and socialize responsibly, and we need to stop judging those that think differently than we do. This will grow a stronger society.

Fear paralyzes. Hope moves forward.

Heidi Hodgson

• Send your letter to the editor via email to editor@theprogress.com. Please include your first and last name, address, and phone number.

• READ MORE: Chilliwack Progress Letters

Chilliwack Progress