
Letter: What we’re not taught in school

There's a reason why we're not taught the secrets of the central bankers in school

What we’re not taught in school

There’s a reason why we’re not taught the secrets of the central bankers in school. How they create money out of thin air with a magic trick known as “fractional reserve lending.” How other tricks like “quantitative easing” and “quantitative tightening” cause economies to rise or fall. Nor are we taught that the central banks of nearly every nation on Earth are controlled by this powerful privately owned cartel.

There’s a reason we’re not taught about law in school. How common law, the law of the land, was replaced with admiralty law, which is the law of the seas. That there is a difference between “legal” and “lawful.” Or, how the current legal system is really only given “force of law” by the “consent of the governed.”

There’s a reason why we’re not taught about human rights in school. How no government can grant us our rights because we inherited them at birth. How no one has the authority to violate your rights, or to delegate the authority to anyone else to violate your rights. How democratic governments are authorized by the people to recognize and protect human rights, not take them away.

There’s a reason why we’re not taught about our God-given free will. How we all have the right to make our own choices in life, and then enjoy or suffer the consequences, depending on what choices we’ve made.

The reason we’re not taught these things is really quite simple. If we understood how the game is rigged and how we’ve been kept like slaves, we would rise up and put the central bankers and the corrupt judges, lawmakers and politicians in the jails they’ve built for us. But the jig is up and the truth cannot be suppressed. We will be slaves no more.

David Work

Lake Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen