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LETTER: What will federal candidates do for Langley if elected?

A local resident encourages voters to find out about the people running for MP

Dear Editor,

During a General Election in England, where I was born in 1942, there was a saying that if either of the parties seeking election ran a pig wearing a scarf in the colour of their party, the pig would get elected.

Lets hope the present electorate in the City and Township of Langley have the sense to look at each of our candidates to see what they have done or not done for Langley and their aspirations for us – their constituents.

Promises are made to impress but are not always carried out.

It’s not a case of going to Ottawa. It’s about bringing Ottawa to Langley to meet our needs.

Pamela G. Omelaniec, Langley


• MORE ON THE ELECTION: Reinstate on-campus voting, studen group urges

• LETTER: Langley resident encourages all eligible to vote in federal election

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