LETTER: What’s not to like about View

The View is currently home to many well established families from Nelson and other surrounding Kootenay communities.

This letter is in response to Mr. Emery’s comments(Opposition to  Crossing, The Nelson Star April 4) regarding his concerns about having another development like The View, being built in our neighbourhood, and the effects it will have.

Specifically we are curious to know what exactly Mr. Emery “hates” about living by The View.  Is it because a vacant un-maintained lot on the corner of Choquette and West Richards became the site of the two 8 unit townhouse buildings?  Or perhaps it is the city approved landscaping around the buildings that he dislikes.

It most certainly cannot be our garbage or recycling receptacles because both of those are kept in a secure bear proof building set well back from the street. Our off-street resident parking is also well out of Mr. Emery’s way.

If he thinks the occasional smell of burning household garbage originates from The View, be assured that we only have electric fireplaces, not wood burning stoves.  We don’t believe the noise from our afternoon Christmas pot luck disturbed Mr. Emery, in hindsight it is unfortunate we didn’t extend the invitation to include our neighbours outside of The View.

We certainly hope Mr. Emery doesn’t “hate” the fact that the residents of The View support the golf course, the club house, Rosemont School and the local grocery store.  Perhaps it is the new sidewalk that provides safe walking for all pedestrians that Mr. Emery finds offensive.

The View is currently home to many well established families from Nelson and other surrounding Kootenay communities.  All of the owners living in The View are required to comply with by-laws and rules that ensure our property is well maintained, clean and aesthetically pleasing.

No one in The View is an absentee home owner. Some of us are retired, some of us are working professionals and because some of us have younger families, we too are concerned about traffic around Rosemont School, especially the partially traffic-controlled three way intersection of Choquette and West Richards. We chose to live here because The View offers attractive, affordable, and comfortable living.

What is there to “hate” about Nelson residents who take pride in their property and support their community?


Cynthia Mann

View Strata

Nelson Star