It’s no longer 80th Avenue. With the opening the 216th overpass, the road to TWU has been renamed University Drive. (Special to Langley Advance Times)

It’s no longer 80th Avenue. With the opening the 216th overpass, the road to TWU has been renamed University Drive. (Special to Langley Advance Times)

LETTER: What’s the real motive behind renaming Langley road?

University District erases historic names of several areas

Dear Editor,

I read with interest the article by Dan Ferguson on page A16 [Changes part of plan, Langley Advance Times, Oct. 8].

It seems to me this has been an arbitrary decision. Correct me if I am wrong.

The renaming of 80th Avenue to University Drive is one peculiar issue, but I wonder if members of the Fort Langley, Springbrook and Milner communities are content with being folded into a ‘University District.

My perception of TWU [Trinity Western University] is that it is not an inclusive institute of higher learning. TWU’s issues with the Law Society made us all well aware of that.

It seems to me that there is a hidden agenda behind the renaming of 80th Avenue and invention of a ‘University District’ and downplaying the names of historical communities.

The powers that be are pushing for more development in this general area it seems. This is another way of subtly influencing Langley residents acceptance of the breakdown of the Agricultural Land Commission.

It would be interesting to hear the reaction of Langley residence particularly those in the aforementioned areas.

Are there other locations in Canada where areas are designated as University Districts ? Especially those with a not inclusive agenda.

Just wondering.

John Wiens, Langley Township


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