LETTER: Where is affordable housing?

Yes, the government’s plan will add to economic activity, but where is the program to provide housing ....

In “Province’s affordable housing plan criticized” (Apr.29) we read that our government is motivated to provide the opportunity for home ownership.

Yes, the government’s plan will add to economic activity, but where is the program to provide housing for those receiving a monthly shelter allowance of $375, and are unable to afford market rents? Where is the modern-day equivalent of Stamp’s Landing (recently sold by B.C. Housing)?

A while back I had the opportunity to visit Victoria and see that muicipality’s tent city. Multiply Abby’s recent protest camp by about 10, and you’ve got an idea. It’s sort of like the refugee camps we see on TV, except that Victoria’s has smaller tents and less space between “dwellings.”

Some people, including tourists, I imagine, make the assumption that the residents could “go somewhere else.” I suppose that’s possible – during our early-morning hikes we did come across other areas where folk were sleeping rough. Yet the deciding judge in the Victoria case didn’t consider that way of life a reliable option.

Since Victoria’s camp is mere blocks from our legislative buildings, I wonder how many government MLAs have visited the site. If they haven’t, they should. And if they have, how can they ignore how little is being done for people who need reliable shelter?

Regina Dalton


Abbotsford News