Letters to the editor.

LETTER – Where is the ‘opt out’ option for Comox Valley Regional District’s proposed rural garbage pick-up?

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

I believe that the Comox Valley Regional District is leaving itself open to a lawsuit in the way that it is dealing with the issue of garbage and recycling with the three alternate approval processes (AAPs). The service does not allow an option for people to opt out in the areas where the staff have determined it is going to be provided and yet there are vast areas of the district where there is no service even being offered.

As a senior I have a very reliable method of dealing with my waste material that includes extensive composting, recycling and solid waste disposal that costs me about $50 per year for the five trips I make to the Comox Valley Waste Management Centre on Bevan Road. I am seldom awake early enough to put my bins out before 8 a.m. as is required where services are available and would hate to see what the bears and other wildlife would do to things if I put it out the night before.

I will be opposing the AAP and I recommend to others that they do so as well. If you don’t know which form to submit then call the regional office at 250-334-6000.

David Netterville,


ALSO: Comox Valley Regional District director pens letter urging support of rural garbage pick-up

Comox Valley Record