LETTER – Whether or not one gets the COVID vaccine is nobody else’s business

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

“Did you get the shot?” seems to have become a commonplace question. It is a personal health decision that is really no one’s business.

Just because I chose not to shouldn’t automatically classify me as an anti-vaxxer, anti-mask conspiracy person.

This polarization is unfortunate and only serves to prevent constructive dialogue. You may be surprised not everyone is afraid of COVID and living their lives gripped in fear. Maybe I just fundamentally disagree with the government telling me what to inject into my body.

A recent letter to the editor by George Dennis claiming anti-vaxxers should pay their own hospital costs has to be one of the more ignorant articles I’ve read.

LETTER – If an anti-vaxxer gets COVID, they should pay their own hospital costs

He makes some big assumptions. What about people that choose to smoke, drink, are overweight or are drug addicts. You think they might put a strain on our health care, should they be made to pay too?

I’m well into my 50s and have a daily weight/cardio training and nutrition plan I’ve been following for 30+ years.

I’ve shown up to work every day since this pandemic started and I limit my consumption of mainstream media. The last time I was remotely sick was in 1997.

I think I’ll stick to what’s working and no thank you to the vaccine.

Tom Hardy,


Comox Valley Record