LETTER: White privilege does exist

From reader Sophie Kristoff...

LETTER: White privilege does exist

Re: Nelson racism: ‘White people don’t want to accept it

I just wanted to continue the conversation about racism and discrimination in Nelson. Some readers found the article to generalize whites in Nelson as racists. I don’t believe that was the message.

For me, it reported on the experiences of minority groups in Nelson and that they can sometimes feel discriminated against. These voices need to be heard by our community and reflected upon.

Even if you don’t believe you have any discriminatory views on race, an article like that one is a great reminder of the privilege that exists by belonging to a majority racial group.

For example, one girl stated she can feel paranoia over her interactions with people and if her race could have anything to do with how people are interacting with her, or treating her. As a person with white skin, I realized I have never had such thoughts or worry.

That might seem like a small thing, but to me it sheds light on the minute level of discrimination that can stille xist, it just takes some more scrutinizing to see how it’s still part of western society.

I think it’s a great idea to continue to foster these conversations and community events for supported, safe spaces to share and identify with each other. Thank you to everyone for sharing their experiences and perspectives.

Sophie Kristoff, Nelson


Nelson Star