White Rock's Marine Drive will revert back to a two-way street on Aug. 12, the city announced. (Nick Greenizan photo)

LETTER: White Rock council showing ‘lack of creativity’ on Marine Drive

Options to keep section of waterfront route one-way were not given a chance


Re: White Rock council votes to revert Marine Drive to two-way traffic

I read this morning of the decision to revert Marine Drive traffic back to two lanes, due to the loss of business on the East Beach.

I am beyond appalled at this decision and how unfairly the businesses on the West Beach have been treated.

Council approved a motion to allow for patios, and several business on the West Beach (and a much smaller number on the East Beach) took advantage of the opportunity to actually have a successful summer after so many months of hardship.

The city has accepted applications for patios, and businesses have spent thousands of dollars to create a viable space, that allowed them, finally, to thrive.

I understand the concerns of the businesses on the East Beach, and their concerns are equally valid.

The lack of creativity of this council is astounding to me.

I read on a few Facebook pages, some creative ideas, including reverting the one-way lane from eastbound to westbound, thus driving traffic through the East Beach, or creating a turnaround for two lanes at the end of the east beach, maintaining one way on the West Beach.

Either of these ideas would likely have been possible compromise that would have satisfied all businesses.

Doing things the way they’ve “always been done” or reverting to the status quo is rarely the best solution to any problem.

I will continue to patronize businesses on both sides of the beach, particularly those on the West Beach, as council has demonstrated that they do not care about the financial wellness and viability of those restaurants, in particular, that have spent thousands of dollars in some instances, to make ends meet.

Keri Anderson, Surrey

Peace Arch News