LETTER: Who determines who is biased?

Letter writer Bernd Eisle considers me biased. Isn’t he also? Who isn’t biased?


Letter writer Bernd Eisle considers me biased. Isn’t he also? Who isn’t biased? Do you consider yourself Conservative or NDP, capitalist or communist, choose life or pro choice, Christian, atheist or Church of Environmental Nuttiness?

He believes I have an uneducated opinion about refugees. I have read a multitude of articles and a few books (Ayan Hirst Ali, Mark Stein) regarding Moslem integration in Europe. I would say I have a common sense, practical view, with effort we can relatively, safely accommodate 10,000 refugees, Trudeau is planning to bring in 50,000 by end of the year. Already, thousands of refugees are being put up in hotels at public expense, many families say they feel trapped in hotels and some would prefer to be back in camps in Lebanon and Jordan.

Why didn’t Mr. Eisle mention Germany when he wrote of “another country” taking in 1,000,000 refugees? Possibly because of the social chaos that has resulted?

Mr. Eisle questions my assertion that refugees come from a mysogynistic culture. He must live in a politically correct alternate universe. I recommend anyone read Ayaan Hirst Ali’s book INFIDEL.  She was a Moslem refugee in Holland which is 49 per cent Moslem due to their open door, unrestricted immigration policy. She and film maker Theo Van Gogt made a film called “SUBMISSION” in which the film addresses the crimes of violence and honour killings perpetrated against Moslem women and girls in Holland. She wanted Holland to wake up and stop tolerating the oppression of Muslim women in its midst.

Lastly, I got the figure of 420 homeless in Williams Lake from Wayne Lucier, CMHA, who has the unenviable and formidable job of helping find homes, he is the homeless advocate here.

Alan Trenzek

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune