File letter

File letter

LETTER: Who has to pay for the by-election?

If Pam Alexis wins her bid to become MLA, public will have to vote for a new mayor

So it appears that our esteemed mayor, the leader of our community of Mission, is seeking provincial office for the NDP and has been granted leave of absence for a month.

If she is successful in being elected to Provincial Government, after having served exactly half of her term, I have no doubt who will pay the costs arising from a by-election.

I wonder, if she is unsuccessful in her election bid, she will return to the Mayor’s position as though nothing had happened.

She has been quoted as saying that she regards Premier John Horgan as showing “integrity and courage and willingness to allow public health experts to take the lead in keeping us safe.”

Not only does this show poor judgment on her part, it also reflects badly on John Horgan. The only reason that this election is being called is that the Premier feels it is a particularly good opportunity for him to establish – as he sees it – a more stable NDP government without the Greens propping him up.

It’s clear that Pam Alexis feels that Mission is not worthy of her talents and attention, and that all the manifold problems that Mission is faced with as well as development pressures are less important to her than the prospect of Provincial office.

In fact Municipal office, and especially that of Mayor, is in many ways closer to the people than is Provincial office.

I feel that we deserve, as mayor, a person who is more dedicated to the office than is the present incumbent. The mayor of a municipality is not a public servant; he or she is an elected official, and in this case the highest office that is open to anyone in Mission.

If she is successful in her bed, after having served exactly half of her term, I have no doubt who will pay the costs arising from a by-election. It ought to be Pam Alexis.

Ralph Smith


Mission City Record