Letter: Who pays for electric car ‘fill-up’?

Ask a hydro customer why, if we don’t have an electric car, are we are funding this station.

To the editor:

Re your article of Aug.14, 2014 (Fast Charging Station Offered to West Kelowna).

While I applaud clean energy use, I must object to the way this system is being implemented, for the following reasons:

1. BC Hydro is funding the building of the charging system. Ask a hydro customer why, if we don’t have an electric car, are we are funding this station.

2. It is estimated by the District of West Kelowna to cost $1,000 a year to maintain the station. How did the district reach this figure? Did they do a cost analyses broad sheet? What if it costs more to maintain? Who is going to pay the extra costs for the extra maintenance? The district? Is the district going to pay this $1,000 for yearly maintenance?

3. The article says it will cost $2/session. Again, on what basis is this cost being based?

4. Will the cost include all taxes (including transit levies).

5. Are there going to be service people (like gas attendants) at the station? If so, who will be paying their wages? At what wage will they be paid?

6. Will this $2 charge be a flat rate or will it depend on how much electricity is used to charge the batteries?

As I have said before, I’m all for clean energy, but I cannot see how BC Hydro and the district can implement this program without it being fair to the rate payers (hydro) and taxpayers (district).

Doug McNair,

West Kelowna


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