LETTER: Why are we worrying?

It’s truly bewildering to see such a headline above yet even more of Tom Fletcher’s demagoguery towards David Suzuki...

Re: “Science loses ground to superstition,” (B.C. Views, Oct. 2.) – It’s truly bewildering to see such a headline above yet even more of Tom Fletcher’s demagoguery towards David Suzuki – one who’s an ardent believer and follower of actual science.

If it’s actual science that Fletcher seeks, why does he conveniently overlook the blatant anti-science thinking and frightening policy of his bird-of-a-feather Prime Minister Stephen Harper?

As one who’s spent some early years consuming fundamentalist Christian preaching and teaching, it’s clear that such theology does not at all concern itself with a healthy, pristine Earth eco-system. For, according to the Book of Revelations, Earth is to eventually be laid complete waste for a considerable period of time – if not permanently.

So, really, why worry about an unhealthy state of the planet’s environment?

Frank G. Sterle

Abbotsford News