Letter: Why enable?

Why on earth are we allowing people to get high on taxpayer dollars?

Psychoactive drugs

Psychoactive drugs

Editor, The News:

Why on earth are we allowing people to get high on taxpayer dollars?

And, more importantly, why is the B.C. government promoting the enabling of it in TV commercials?

The rest of the world is probably laughing at us. Not only are we encouraging people to get high, but we will even give them a clean needle and a safe place to do it.

Absolutely ridiculous.

If people want to risk their lives to get high, then be my guest. Just don’t bill us.  Hard-working citizens don’t need to be on the hook for drug addicts.

If you’re a mother who lost your a son to fentanyl, I’m sorry for your loss …

Mike Bozek

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News