Letter: Why get lawyers involved and the supreme court?

Julia Butler speaks for many people, writes Don Lea.

What in the world is going on with this city council?

We are mad as hell that they are suing a councilor, and we have to pay for it from our taxes. It’s ridiculous. They don’t respect us residents at all. They are up to something, and it’s not good.

Councilor Butler had a yard business and gave that up, then did some yard work after. So what? What does that have to do with water meters anyways? Why get lawyers involved and the supreme court? This is just nuts.

What, Councilor Krog doesn’t use water in his catering business? What, none of the councilors sell food on city-owned property?

This is a small town, used to be friendly, now the city is suing one of its residents, a councilor, who had more votes than any of the other councilors still there. The city is doing this. Can you believe it? What kind of example does that set for our kids and grandkids? It’s embarrassing.

Do they want some sort of revenge maybe? Get her out of council so they won’t have to hear any more objections to their “plans”? She is speaking for many people in this town.

Grand Forks has never seen anything like this. This is outrageous. Do they think the taxpayers would really support such garbage?

How much will this cost us? $100,000? More? Will they tell us? I doubt it.

We will never, ever forget what is being done here. And we won’t let this bunch of councilors ever, ever forget it either. They might as well just resign now and save everyone a lot of trouble.

– Don Lea, Grand Forks


Grand Forks Gazette