Letter: Why no federal candidates forums in Lake Country?

The name of the riding is Kelowna-Lake Country, not solely Kelowna.

To the editor:

As we inch closer to the federal election, I noticed there are currently about five local candidate forums scheduled for the Kelowna-Lake Country federal riding.  What I’m writing about is how none are scheduled to be held in Lake Country.  The name of the riding is Kelowna-Lake Country, not solely Kelowna.

My concern is that some Lake Country residents may not wish to drive to Kelowna simply for a political forum. Lake Country is a growing and thriving community.  Shouldn’t we have the opportunity to host one forum for the various candidates to speak to prospective voters?

Perhaps the Lake Country Chamber of Commerce or Rotary Club would be willing to step up to host such an event.  It would be a shame if Lake Country residents didn’t have a fair chance to be properly informed about the choices presented to them in the upcoming election.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to know just what the candidates and the parties they represent stand for.

James MacGregor, Lake Country


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