Letter: Why should we pay?

I believe that people who own houses in Vancouver, or anywhere in Canada should not pay extra taxes due to a fentanyl crisis.

I believe that people who own houses in Vancouver, or anywhere in Canada should not pay extra taxes due to a fentanyl crisis.

Has the government actually gone door-to-door to ask people/homeowners if it’s OK to raise taxes for this crisis?

To me it’s a way to support the addicts to keep them supplied with this crisis instead of the government actually looking at the real problem. The government is supplying the addicts with clean needles and supplies to keep them going with their addictions and not helping with the problem. They are saying it’s OK to do heroin, cocaine and meth by supplying them with the needles and help kits.

I say, and others would say, who is worth $200,000 a year? Why don’t the employees of the government take a pay decrease and put that money towards helping out with this crisis instead of the homeowners which I say should not be responsible for something that the government wants to do without asking anybody’s opinion.

Neal Sexton




Penticton Western News