Some form of large cat (not necessarily the cougar pictured here) was spotted in a private garden in Langley City on Thanksgiving Day. Local residents who saw it, reported to authorities and want to get the word out to others in the area. (Black Press Media files)

Some form of large cat (not necessarily the cougar pictured here) was spotted in a private garden in Langley City on Thanksgiving Day. Local residents who saw it, reported to authorities and want to get the word out to others in the area. (Black Press Media files)

LETTER: Wild cat alert from Langley City resident

Sighting of a cougar or mountain lion right in the City core late Monday has local couple worried

Dear Editor,

My wife and I just saw a cougar or mountain lion jump out of the bushes in the private garden owned by Signature Suites Apartments, next to Timms Community Centre, at 20303 Douglas Cres.

We’re not sure if it is still the garden.

We reported it to 9-1-1 and animal control people.

RELATED: Langley wildlife centre desperate for caregivers

Unfortunately we didn’t get a photo, it happened so quick.

Hopefully it will be able to get back in the wild safely, without anyone getting hurt.

Paul Ingold, Langley City


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