LETTER: Will mammogram changes wear out road?

Travel to Trail for mammograms will be inconvenient and expensive.

Re: “Aging mammography equipment to be retired,” January 28

Through information shared with a member of the SOS group we hear that the cancer screening van will still be coming to Nelson but we have been told by a doctor that if we need a mammogram when the screening vehicle is not in Nelson, we will have to travel to Trail.

Is this yet another move by an untrained person in the Interior Health Authority to further wear out the asphalt between Trail and Nelson?

We have many seniors who do not drive and for those who still drive there is the added cost of the gasoline, and in winter there are the added risk of accidents when the roads are slippery and a challenge to older drivers.

Surely this decision is being considered by someone in an Interior Health Authority office who has no compassion for seniors or other people who are now having trouble meeting the expenses related to a health care system that seems to run on trial balloons with changes that make no sense.

May we have a response with the logic involved in the suggested change to a system that is now working and was set in place by medical staff who placed some common sense and caring into the operation of Kootenay Lake Hospital?

Bob Johnson


Nelson Star