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LETTER: Williams Lake city council’s decision put my health and life at risk

The more people congregate … the more COVID will propagate


Mr. Mayor and Council:

I write this letter to inform you of my opinion of council’s decision from meeting of Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021.

This recommendation of council, moved by Mayor Cobb, seconded by Coun. Nelson, occurred at a meeting which opened with MLA Lorne Doerkson referring to “… serious incidents of COVID now in the community.”

Coun. Nelson compared church attendance with hockey games, and Walmart shopping in defence of recommendation in support of Voice of Pentecost Church application to provincial health regulators to relax pandemic shutdown to allow church attendance.

Only one of these entities he mentions provides the necessities of life – food.

The recommendation received the unanimous assent of councillors.

I submit that this decision of council to support a relaxation of regulation of provincial health authorities puts my health and life at an increased risk.

The more people congregate, in spite of promised distancing and masking, the more COVID will propagate — especially a new mutated strain of the virus.

Another concern is the propriety of a councillor joining the discussion regarding the church in question, as I understand Coun. Scott Nelson owns the building the church rents from.

I submit this constitutes a conflict of interest for such councillor to be part of a discussion regarding the tenant of the property.

I find it even more astounding that council unanimously agreed to support the Voice of Pentecost church’s request of provincial health regulators to allow church attendance during the COVID pandemic, is comprised of two health professionals.

Editor’s note: Coun. Marnie Brenner was not at the meeting where this was discussed.

Read More: Williams Lake city council adds support for churches, faith-based organizations to gather

John Pickford

Williams Lake


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