LETTER: Windermere golfers issue challenge

Last week, the Windermere Valley Men’s Club held its weekly competition. Our thoughts were not on golf, but Fort McMurray

LETTER: Windermere golfers issue challenge

During the afternoon of May 5, the Windermere Valley Men’s Club held its weekly competition. Our thoughts were not on golf, but rather on the families displaced by the fires raging in northern Alberta.

At the conclusion of the event, our membership decided to donate the prize money that would normally have gone to the afternoon’s winners to the disaster relief efforts currently being undertaken.

Al Wittke, a longstanding member of our club, also donated $2,000 to the Salvation Army. Al lived in Fort McMurray in the Beacon Hill subdivision. His former residence has burned to the ground.

The Windermere Valley Men’s Club is challenging men’s and women’s golf clubs across BC and Alberta to do the same. Take the prize money from one afternoon of golf to assist our friends and neighbours in the Fort McMurray area.

Dean Midyette, President, Windermere Valley Men’s Club



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