LETTER: Winter driving no excuse for delay

Bad winter weather is no excuse for Interior Health Authority to delay community meeting in Grand Forks.


Re: IHA officials delay Grand Forks meeting (Jan. 25 issue of the Grand Forks Gazette)

Well, excuse me winter driving for Interior Health Authority (IHA) directors is too dangerous to visit Grand Forks in February.

Tell me, what the difference in importance is between them and the citizens of the Boundary, who have to travel these same roads to Kelowna or Trail for medical reasons, is.

Are these directors more important than the mother who has to travel these same roads to deliver her baby or the senior citizen who needs treatment that should be available here in Grand Forks?

This is the 21st century folks.

Let’s get a grip and get our medical services back to what they were in the late-20th century.

Jane Pring, Grand Forks

Grand Forks Gazette