Letter writer can walk over to see Steve Ferguson

As far as I know, the neighbourhood is still called Fernridge, not Bobridge.

Editor: This is a response to Bob Duncan’s comments in your Dec. 27, 2012 issue.

Councillor Steve Ferguson deferred his travel allowance to charity. Obviously this is a far more constructive use of the funds than feeding this man’s ego.

If Duncan’s home is only four blocks from Ferguson’s, perhaps he should consider going for a walk, as opposed to complaining about unread emails.

I very much doubt that a well-respected councillor such as Ferguson will lose any sleep over the vote of someone who clearly feels he is somehow more important than the rest of the members of our community.

As far as I know, the neighbourhood is still called Fernridge, not Bobridge. I advise Duncan to stay close to his computer. I’m sure a response to his email is pending.

Neil McGregor,


Langley Times