Letter writer raises a ‘dog-poo’ stink

In T. Gannon’s letter “Readers’ scoop on the poop” he proves he’s the human that ruins free dog runs for all others.


I find it ironic that Tim Gannon’s argument (March 1) for not picking up his dog’s excrement centres on his concern for the environment.

As a matter of fact, NOT picking up after your dog helps the spread of intestinal parasites (unless you are diligently deworming your dog once a month with a reputable dewormer, your dog has worms), many of which are zoonotic (can be spread to people). And yes, with the amount of rain we get in the Fraser Valley, stool left by your dog will eventually get washed away, but have you ever considered where it gets washed away to? Fecal contamination in our local streams (such as Bertrand Creek) and to our local fish and other wildlife is a very real thing.

So before you decide to “help the environment” by leaving your dog’s waste all over the place, maybe do a little research (they have biodegradable bags available at most pet stores) and consider having some common courtesy for the people, pets and wildlife we share our beautiful town with.

Alyssa Purse, Aldergrove

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In T. Gannon’s letter “Readers’ scoop on the poop” he proves he’s the human that ruins free dog runs for all others. If he doesn’t like to use plastic, get the scoopers that look like claws and bring it home, put it in a container and once a week it gets collected and discarded by professionals who do this for a business. And don’t complain about price; if you do you don’t deserve a pet.

We care what our children or our pets walk in, and maybe he’s the one that’s spreading the hoof and mouth disease by not cleaning up after himself out in the open or maybe at home too.

S. Douglas, Aldergrove

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I would like to comment on the state of Aldergrove Athletic Park, with dog feces everywhere.

I have a dog which I walk around  the park and I carry doggie bags to collect his business. These bags are completely degradable.

All pet shops carry them, so there is no reason to leave any droppings.

Ian Hannaford, Aldergrove

Aldergrove Star