Letter writer says MP’s motion is manipulative

Fetuses would be declared as persons if Mark Warawa's motion went through.

Editor: Re: “Langley MP’s motion on sex selection rejected,” (www.langleytimes.com).

This reminds me of something the Republicans south of the border have been trying. In an attempt to stop what they call “widespread voter fraud,” many states have passed election reforms requiring photo ID for all people intending to vote.

The problem is that there is no widespread voter fraud. By creating a problem and selling it to the public, they were able to carry out their real goal: To prevent low-income voters, who tend to vote Democrat, from voting because they cannot afford the ID required.

MP Mark Warawa is doing a version of the same thing with this motion. In order for it to stand up to scrutiny by the Supreme Court, the female fetuses would have to be declared a person under the law. In doing so, all fetuses would have to be declared as people under the law, making it murder to perform an abortion.

This is a blatant, dishonest, manipulative attempt to circumvent the will of the Canadian people, its government and the Supreme Court of Canada.

Scott Imbeau,


Langley Times